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Efficacy of Post thermotherapy Maitland mobilization compared to the Active mobilization exercises in improving the Shoulder function and pain in Periarthritis: A simple randomized clinical control trail

Authors Syed Abudaheer K, Sathishkumar S, Vijayananth V, Karthika Selvan K
Abstract Introduction: Periarthritis Shoulder is a syndrome defined in its purest sense as idiopathic painful restriction of shoulder movement that results in global restriction of the gleno-humeral joint. The objective of the study is to investigate the efficacy of Post thermotherapy Maitland mobilizations compared to the active mobilizations exercises in improving the shoulder function and pain in periarthritis. Materials and Methods: The present study included 34 patients who are diagnosed with periarthritis. All patients were randomly and equally categorized for group A (n=17) and Group B (n=17) and they were received Thermotherapy Maitland Mobilization and Active mobilization respectively. The shoulder function in the form of Hand behind back and pain were measured using ordinal scale and Shoulder Pain and Disability Index (SPADI) scale. Results: Statistical analysis was done using paired t-test and Independent t-test. The results of the study showed significant improvement in shoulder function in the form of Hand Behind Back function and Pain in Group A compared to Group B (p< 0.05). Conclusion: The Post thermotherapy Maitland Mobilization has been proven more effective and beneficial in improving shoulder function in the form of Hand Behind Back and relieving pain over the active mobilization exercises in Periartritis. KEYWORDS: Maitland mobilization, Thermotherapy, Periarthritis Shoulder, Hand behind back function
Year 2014
Month July
Volume 3
Issue 3
Published On 15 Jul 2014
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